An Update For The Friends…

Just wanted to share some positive news with my crochet friends who have followed along from afar.  We had positive news from John’s scans a couple of weeks ago.

After nearly 9 months, John’s glioblastoma is finally stabilizing.  His last scans look a bit better than the scans from 6 weeks prior, but mostly similar. Of course, it’s still way better than the shocking scans from July.

The doctors also describe this improvement as “his glioblastoma is ‘stable.'” Meaning glioblastoma is the kind of cancer that’s never actually gone even when you can’t see contrast, but it’s not growing or moving at this time.

Swelling is a little less too. And the scar tissue from his stroke is starting to be reabsorbed, which they say is also good. Cancer’s still there, and still interfering with the visual pathway for his eyesight on the right side, but it’s a bit smaller and not growing right now. So that’s good. All in all, less contrast is good news!

Not only is the current Avastin/Lomustine combo treatment working for John (it doesn’t for most patients) he’s also tolerating it well. So we’re grateful.

Next steps include chasing down specialized speech therapy and some specialized reading/vision help and glasses. John’s vision loss has so far interfered with his ability to get very far with communication therapy, and sometimes it’s potentially hazardous. So this is an important piece of his recovery for us to address.

We may have to pay out-of-pocket for vision therapy and gear, but trying to see if we can get at least some help from our insurance. With all the unforseen expenses on this journey, I’m trying to maximize whatever we can before the end of the year changes anything.

John’s next scans/evals are scheduled for December.

Last but not least — John turned 48 on October 27th — a date he didn’t initially think he’d get to see.

We are all so incredibly grateful. For the precious time together. For the beautiful friends who have helped with prayers and financial support so we can pay for treatment and gasoline and all the expenses that come with cancer treatment. And for all the words of encouragement that prop us up every single day in this storm.

The battle is not over, much less the war.  But at least the constant shelling has paused, so we can regain our balance and breathe a little more.





Filed under Glioblastoma, NaBloPoMo

4 responses to “An Update For The Friends…

  1. leighann

    Praise God for the encouraging news – still praying for you guys ❤️

  2. Amy

    I’m so glad to hear the good news, Julia. I hope your insurance kicks in something for the vision therapy. Good luck.

  3. So glad to hear your positive news. You and John are in my thoughts as you continue this challenging journey. I hope your insurance company comes through for you! Your courage is an inspiration.

  4. M.J. Cobb

    Julia, we rejoice with you over the good news and we pray for more of it. You are an amazing lady, as you manage your home and have become a full-time problem solver in the sticky world of health insurance. Hope you still find time to crochet, too!

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