Tag Archives: halloween

‘Tis A Silly Place

TARDIS - Halloween 2019 - Aberrant Crochet setup

“It’s like you’re a Doctor Who evangelist.”

That paused me.

I measured my gaze.

“What do you mean?” I asked, looking over.

“Every group of kids who come to the door! You’re like, ‘Do you like my TARDIS? Do you know what a TARDIS is? It’s from Doctor Who! You should look that up on YouTube.”

My daughter’s wry smirk looks just like her father’s.

I smile.

She’s not wrong.

Halloween is a geek’s and cosplayer’s dream holiday.

Only for me, I haven’t been costuming up that much the last few years.

This year, I grabbed my handknit Doctor Who scarf, a brown “Indiana Jones” hat and one of my wool coats and called it good.

But what I really look forward to each year is dressing up my yard.

Right square in front of our door is a lifesize TARDIS that’s my pride and joy.

You have to walk through the TARDIS to enter my home. Literally.

I bought it in a charity auction 4 years ago, the October before John was diagnosed with brain cancer.

October is our birthday month and I knew this TARDIS was perfectly my birthday gift. I also found a killer deal on a BlendTec the same month, so I was doubly happy.

Little did I know how important that BlendTec would be for John in the coming months.

The TARDIS matched our house under the overhang, beautifully. And the kids and I crafted a garden of hand mines that year to go with it.

It was glorious.

And only the knowing had any idea what they were looking at.

We were only lacking in Weeping Angels at the time. A fact I rectified last year. There are now at least 13 in my yard, hidden everywhere.

I’m sure some delivery people believe we must be very Catholic. Or simply very into angels.

What they don’t know just might steal their future though!

And then there’s our annual spider infestation.

I was so pleased when I first heard that the newly introduced season of the 13th Doctor had an episode with mutant spiders in it. Though in truth, I was disappointed with how they concluded the episode. I’m a fan of spiders and that ending was frankly illogically cruel.

But from a yard decor point of view, my spider invasion combined with the TARDIS and Weeping Angels makes my yard a pretty authentic fan fiction of its own.

Finally, after all these years they wrote an episode just for me.

We’ve lost 3 trees since John died, but we still managed to put up a good infestation of spiders this year. I couldn’t find all my crochet spider webs that I’ve made over the years. Not sure where they got put, but the giant one went up and giant momma spider, the 10-foot spider we have, was hung on the web with care.

And the effect paid off as always, demonstrated by the audible gasps when people rounded our 200-300-year-old live oaks to step onto our front walk.

You have to have big old trees to display a 10-foot spider in the air.

“There are some fun decorations in the neighborhood,” one kid told me. “But nothing compares to this! Your house is the coolest. I was here last year!”

You can believe that boosted my ego.

Though in truth, the TARDIS and angels stay up year-round.

I only take down the spiders outside. And mostly inside.

But the eclectic inside of our family TARDIS is a story for another time.

“This house has chocolate! Omg, we can have more than one piece??? You are the nicest!”

I love the smiles on the kids’ faces. Even the dubiously older ones.

Here, take another KitKat.

John always believed in handing out only the good stuff for Halloween.

None of that generic crap. The kids get plenty of that from everyone else.

Chocolate. Every year we give out chocolate.

I heard of a family that gave out king-size Snickers bars to kids one year.

I think that’s cool, but I’ve never gone that big. I stick with fistfuls of smaller bits.

I used to have a bucket of shiny pennies that every child under the age of 6 could stick their hand in and grab a handful to take home.

I liked the idea of fostering a healthy experience with a money blessing.

To give little kids that magical feeling of receiving generosity, without measure, only that they must reach out, seize it and receive it.

Besides, there’s something so pretty about shiny copper.

I need to get back to doing that again. Giving change to little kids is not very expensive at all. Especially when you consider the cost of candy.

Halloween is an odd holiday for sure.

And while it does occur during The Day Of The Dead celebrations that we have here in Texas (which culminate on November 2nd), I’m not really speaking to that part today. Though there’s certainly an influence and a magic in that part, which I do obviously appreciate.

It’s something else about Halloween. I share my perspective as someone raised without the holiday, who later came into the participation of it, thoughtfully, as a mother.

No one thinks about it being a holiday of generosity.

Its American celebration may have started out with the goal of curtailing mischief, but today, it’s evolved into an opportunity to exercise our imagination, to dress up and play as adults, to face our fears, and to bless strangers.

How interesting is that.


Of all things.

Without guilt.

Without shoulds.

Without major expectations.

Without commandment.

I mean it’s simple. It’s candy.

And fun.

And we tell each other how cool our costumes are and find out our favorite superheroes, movies, legends, and puns.

Don’t forget the puns.

No family fights over obligations.

No tantrums for not getting the latest iPhone.

And it’s OK to buy yourself something, just because you thought it would be fun.

Or thought it would make someone laugh.

Not because it was practical or necessary or expected.

It’s an interesting holiday, with something to teach.

If we let it.

Hope yours was great.

Giant spider - Halloween 2019 - Aberrant Crochet




Filed under Friends and Family, Halloween, NaBloPoMo, Random Thoughts, Writing

After-Halloween Creative Costuming!

Caitlin Space Cadet

Caitlin Space Cadet

I just had to share with you a couple photos from our “After-Halloween Costume Party” tonight! I never cease to be amazed at the incredibly talented, interesting and creative people I get to call friends. 🙂  And you know what? I’m so glad that they are not afraid to just be and share their beautiful selves. 🙂

The first photo is of dear Caitlin in her “space cadet” costume. Isn’t she beautiful? I did use a b/w filter on the photo, but her outfit was amazing! That tunic belonged to one of her great aunts and is from the 60’s! What doesn’t show up as well in the filter I used is that the whole tunic is in silver with shiny metallic striping.  So she definitely gets props for the genuine article!  Caitlin’s a Latin major and incredibly crafty and creative.  And she’s been a wonderfully positive influence on my kids for years.  😉  You can check out her work on her blog “Isn’t It.”

Say cheese!

Say cheese!

The second is a photo of my friend Debra’s rabbit friend.  You know how I am with crochet?  That’s how Debra is about quilting. (See, I know lots of crafty, crafty people!)

So anyway, Debra came dressed as her inner child! And apparently this unusual rabbit, stuffed in her backpack, has been her buddy for years. When I looked at him through my camera, I couldn’t help by hear him awkwardly say “Cheese!”

He looks just about as uncomfortable as I do when someone tries to get me to pose for a picture.  “Ok, now tilt your head a little to the right. Turn your chin a little to the left. Now, do a hand stand and hold it.”

Yeah, that’s the feeling alright. I commiserate with you dude.
Thanks for playing.

Jessica as Mirth

Jessica as Mirth

Lastly is a photo of my daughter Jessica, dressed as a character she’s created named Mirth.

Expect to hear more about Mirth and her adventures in the future over on her own blog called Attack Of The Plot Bunnies.

There are plenty more costumes at our house right now, but I will have to take more photos before you can see them.  So stay tuned while I get back to my guests and you have a wonderful night!

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Filed under NaBloPoMo

The Spider Invasion Has Begun!

Part 1:  Or…  “My Supplication To The Gods Of Seasons,”  As It Were….  Is that a change in the air…?

We had our first actual taste of fall weather here in Austin the day before the fall equinox.  And I do mean taste.

Not just that metaphorical brief fleeting experience of an amazing flavor. But that thing you experience: when the air you breathe outside has more than just essence, but a distinctively fresh flavor to it. And it’s a breathful taste that I find invigorating.

Yep, the web is that big.

Yep, the web is that big. And he’s 5’10”.
Want one? Click the picture.

For here in Central Texas, we don’t often finally get to taste fall until later in the year. You know… closer to winter.

We’re always behind the rest of the world in our spring and fall seasons.  And when the seasons do arrive here, they are generally more like speed bumps in the switch between two main seasons of hot and cold.  A veritable two-week tribute to spring or fall, but so rarely a full court press of the real thing.

Never the case with summer though.  Never with summer at all. Do you miss summer where you are?  Come visit us in July and get your fill.  You’ll never miss it (or us) ever again.

So to have that first taste of fall arrive here on the actual equinox is like some sort of amazing blessing. Nay.  It’s more than that. It’s a sign.  A bright sparkly one.  The seasonal gods have smiled upon us this year.

Miniature snowman scraped together off the truck.

Miniature snowman scraped
together off the truck long ago.

Dear seasonal gods:  While we have your attention, could we maybe have a snow day this winter?? With real snow to play with and not just wet ice?  I mean, if you don’t mind and all. After all, it’s been years.  The kids are teens now. And well, we want to make snowmen together again, even if only miniature ones. Oh! And snow ice cream too.  …oh please, please, please…

But please also make sure no one has to get out and drive in it though. No one here knows how.

At the first hint of “the taste,” I immediately threw open all the windows. Fresh air in the house, it’s so wonderful. And it whispers to me. Not only were we blessed with an actual spring this year (lasting more than two weeks), we’ll be blessed with an actual fall too. 🙂

With October finally here, the most wickedly fun of all holiday months (and dear hubby’s and my birthday month), I’m feeling more alive. Even if more in spirit than in body.

And that’s saying a lot. Because I haven’t felt myself since breaking my right ankle at the end of the summer road-trip adventure that I took with my teens. It’s been two months + 11 days of blurred trauma, surgery, and complications. :/ As of today, I’ve only just been walking about 3 weeks.. ish.

There’s definitely an interesting story to tell there, and one I want to share with you, as I’ve learned quite a bit too.  But it’s a story that will have to wait for now.

spiderwebinafternoonsunWhy?  Because the spider invasion has begun at our house, and it demands adoration. Its story refuses to be put off.

Well, at least not after tomorrow.

Stay tuned for part 2….

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Filed under Crochet Patterns, Editorial, Halloween, Writing

Giant Adjustable Crochet Halloween Spider Web Pattern – For Haunted House or Costume!

I continue to get hits for my blog post last year about developing this pattern and have received contacts looking for the pattern. This post is just to update and make sure everyone knows that yes, this pattern is available. I don’t know why Google is picking up my old blog post and not any of my more recent ones.

You can get this pattern right now on Etsy and Ravelry.

Look for it here: http://AberrantCrochet.etsy.com and on Ravelry  HERE.  The pattern is an instant PDF download on both websites after payment.

This is a completely adjustable pattern allowing you to extend it to the size you want, up to about 6 feet in diameter. It is also unique in that it can also be used to create a spider web to wear for a costume.

Spider web can be used as a costume accessory

You can read more about this pattern and its requirements at the above links.  You can also find several OOAK ready made (finished) spider webs in my store at: http://PixieWorx.etsy.com on a seasonal basis. If you do not see a finished web for sale, but want one, just convo me.  I usually only list them during the second half of the year, but receive input all year round.

Christmas Spider Web

I am also working on a crochet pattern for a 15-20 foot spider web for serious outdoor use. It is an advanced pattern using reinforcing stitches there are currently no yarn standards for (hence the delay in its offering). This design is to help produce an incredibly strong web for lots of stress, use and abuse outdoors in trees, etc.. (Things that often wear fibers out.) If you are interested in the more fortified giant spider web pattern, contact me directly.  However, it is not currently ready for publication yet.

All Content Copyright © 2008-2015 by Julia Meek Chambers, Aberrant Crochet and Pixie Worx, all rights reserved.

You may sell finished products created from my pattern as long as they are not mass produced and are hand-made by you individually. Any items for sale must state in the item description that they are based on my pattern and include a link to my website. Any items you sell based on my patterns must also feature your own photographs. You may not use my images to help sell your finished items. If you have a charity project in mind which would require multiple volunteers, please contact me.

Purchase of this pattern grants you permission to make and sell items created from it, but not to republish, share or resell the pattern itself. A lot of time, cost and technical expertise go into my designs, as well as over 35 years of intensive study and application. Tech editors, etc.. So my patterns may NOT be reproduced or distributed — mechanically, electronically, or by any other means, including photocopying, without written permission. Please do not hurt my ability to feed my family and pay for medical bills. Thanks!

Other licensing inquiries: worx@pixieworx.net


Filed under crochet, Crochet Patterns

Haunted House Spider Web PDF Pattern – Aberrant Crochet Exclusive

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Spider web can be used as a costume accessory

Many people have asked about a pattern for my spider webs. Though the spider webs you see in my shop are all OOAK and each unique, I have written a more simplified pattern for purchase.  It is a 9 radial spider web that can be easily customized to the size you need, up to approximately 6 feet in diameter.  This is not the same pattern as my giant 15-foot Metamorphosis Spider Web which I’m still working on the technical writing for.  But I think for many the smaller size will do.

You can purchase this pattern on Etsy and Ravelry!

Halloween Spider Web – A Variable Pattern from Aberrant Crochet is now also listed on http://AberrantCrochet.etsy.com and on Ravelry.

This detailed 5-page pattern offers a variable-sized crochet spider web for display or costume wear. It includes a glossary of terms, color photos, display guidelines, and instructions for sizing up to an estimated 6 feet in diameter. Gauge is not particularly important to the construction of this pattern, but it will affect the end size.

Stitches are overall fairly straightforward.

Nine Radial Spider Web with Support Wedges

However, this pattern requires a lot of counting, basic lace concepts, and prior knowledge of extended crochet stitches beyond double crochet.

As such, this pattern ranks as intermediate crochet according to pattern standards guidelines and is written in American English terms. You will find a glossary of abbreviated terms used in this pattern on the last page.

Hook size: 10 (J) or 6 mm
Yardage: 300 – 600 yards
Sizes available: variable up to about 6 feet depending on your tension

Designer’s Notes: Though this pattern officially ranks at an intermediate level according to yarn standards, I do believe that it is straightforward and repetitive enough for an adventurous beginner to make. If you are still learning stitch and tension control, then this pattern may be difficult for you. I recommend very even and loose stitches for this pattern and a highly structured worsted weight acrylic yarn. However, this pattern does work with sparkly and novelty yarns for an eclectic look under a black light or “in the shadows.’

PLEASE NOTE: These spider webs are designed for decor and when worn, with teens and adults in mind. Spider webs are NOT toys. And a spider web should never be hung or left where a small child might get tangled in it or where it could pose risk or present a hanging hazard.

All Content Copyright © 2008-2012 by Julia Meek Chambers, Aberrant Crochet, and Pixie Worx, all rights reserved.

You may sell finished products created from my pattern as long as they are not mass-produced and are hand-made by you individually. Any items for sale must state in the item description that they are based on my pattern and include a link to my website.  Any items you sell based on my patterns must also feature your own photographs.  You may not use my images to help sell your finished items.  If you have a charity project in mind which would require multiple volunteers, please contact me. 

Purchase of this pattern grants you permission to make and sell items created from it, but not to republish, share or resell the pattern itself. A lot of time, cost, and technical expertise go into my designs, as well as over 35 years of intensive study and application. Tech editors, etc.  So my patterns may NOT be reproduced or distributed — mechanically, electronically, or by any other means, including photocopying, without written permission. Please do not hurt my ability to feed my family and pay for medical bills. Thanks!

Other licensing inquiries: worx@pixieworx.net

Spider web can be used as a costume accessory

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Filed under Artist Information & Notes, crochet, Crochet News, Crochet Patterns, Halloween

Steam Punk, Corsets, and Such: Thinking on Halloween…

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Clockwork hard leather bra by BruteForceStudios

Every year I try to do something outside of the box and adventurous during the month of my birthday, striving to add something truly memorable to my stock of life adventures. My birthday is also in October – only the coolest month of the year! So my memorable pursuits naturally tend to extend into holiday festivities.

Halloween, the climax of the month, is the one day that I can totally play dress-up and have fun, no matter my age or status as “mom.”
I think it just might be my favorite holiday.

Brass Hour Glass Necklace by GwenDelicious

As I’ve been working on my crochet spider webs and spider web patterns this year, I’ve also been preparing for my costume theme this year: Steam Punk.

I have always loved Tesla and gadgets, not to mention corsets, bustiers and cinchers. I don’t have a specific character in mind, but certainly a look that speaks to me. In my hunting around for costume ideas, these Etsy items really caught my eye.

I’m thinking that clockwork bra would be a great birthday present…..

Glass Eye Ring by kimsjewels

Vioin Themed Waist Cincher by ContrivedtoCharm

Industrial Steam Punk Utility Belt by ahniradvanyi


Filed under Halloween, handmade, Steam Punk

Halloween 20% off SALE! Time to Move On to Gifts!

As you guys already know: It’s Hubby’s and My Birthday Week! In celebration, enjoy 20% off discount on Halloween items! Go check it out! But hurry – this sale will end soon! I don’t do clearance!  www.PixieWorx.etsy.com

OK – that’s it now! Custom Halloween orders are cut off and no more Halloween items will be created for 2009. If I get a chance, I will list the last of the Halloween items left in my Etsy store. Or, you can always give me a call!

For next year, I have some great ideas in mind, including a special spider web design to be hung around a ceiling fan! It’ll be great! And I’ll be spending many months planning it out. Due to the intricacies and time involved, I expect that only a few will be made. But I think it will be so much fun to work on!

Now it is time for me to dedicate my full attention to my truest crochet love – designing hats and the stuff people like to go with them! Don’t worry – there will still be some jewelry! Watch my store and blogs for updates!

Blue_Flower_Monster_5ChristmasSpiderWeb_157inch_9radial_SpiderWeb8_234inch_25radial_SpiderWeb_3 Green_Flower_Monster_3

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I’ve been playing with a new toy called Animoto….

[clearspring_widget title=”Animoto.com” wid=”46928cc51133af17″ pid=”4ab5d41ca413104a” width=”432″ height=”240″ domain=”widgets.clearspring.com”]
* Fair warning, I’ve noticed that the Animoto videos sometimes play the music twice in a row, even though the video portion is done. So wait for the music to stop before clicking on the 2nd video, or they’ll both play at once.

10 foot Spider Web attached to the side of my tent

10 foot Spider Web attached to the side of my tent

[clearspring_widget title=”Animoto.com” wid=”46928cc51133af17″ pid=”4ab5d62a4e777e0e” width=”432″ height=”240″ domain=”widgets.clearspring.com”]

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Filed under Artist Information & Notes

Thinking About Advertising with Craft Cult….

So I’m thinking about buying some advertising with www.CraftCult.com. Craft Cult has been a great service for Etsy shop owners. One of my Spider Web Umbrellas was chosen for a treasury created by Etsy and I wouldn’t have known it had happened if it hadn’t have been for Craft Cult, alerting me when I checked on my shop. It was also via Craft Cult when I found out my item had been chosen for a Halloween Costume Gift Guide as well.

Craft Cult is a fantastic service with great tools – all for free. If you have an Etsy store, do check them out. And me? I might just thank them by taking out an advertisement on their site. I’m also thinking I’ll likely benefit from it too.

However, I’ve never taken an ad out on someone else’s website before. Heck, I only just heard about something called Google Base, which I haven’t figured out how to really use just yet. Learning all this online marketing stuff is sometimes a bit overwhelming. All too often I’d rather just pay for a show since I prefer talking to folks one on one and do my usual demos and help folks out. After all, that’s what got me into all this in the first place.

Still, I enjoy learning and playing around with digital work on Adobe. In fact, I did a much better job than I expected with our old wedding photos and my grandmother’s damaged old farm photos too. And I’ve some particular ideas about things.

The CraftCult ad space has to be 100px X 150px. So I’ve been working up an image to help promote my Halloween items, since they have a short shelf-life each year. I’m using the Spider Web Umbrella photo as the background.

I haven’t tweaked it all out quite yet, but so far – what do you think?

Pixie Worx! Love's Halloween!

Pixie Worx! Love's Halloween!

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Filed under Artist Information & Notes

Halloween Showcase….

UPDATE: You can now buy my variable width (up to 6 foot) spider web crochet pattern for costume or decor right here!

Halloween Spider Web – A Variable Pattern from Aberrant Crochet

$4.25 (includes license to sell finished product)

33 inch 25 radial Spider Web No. 3

33 inch 25 radial Spider Web No. 3

Spider Web No. 2 - 64 Inch Diameter - you see it worn here as a costume cape

Spider Web No. 2 – 64 Inch Diameter – you see it worn here as a costume cape

Spider Web No. 2 - 64 Inch Diameter

Spider Web No. 2 – 64 Inch Diameter

Christmas Spider Web

Christmas Spider Web

Tourquois Gothic Crochet Necklace

Tourquois Gothic Crochet Necklace

All Content Copyright © 2008-2012 by Julia Meek Chambers, Aberrant Crochet and Pixie Worx, all rights reserved.

You may sell finished products created from my pattern as long as they are not mass produced and are hand-made by you individually. Any items for sale must state in the item description that they are based on my pattern and include a link to my website. Any items you sell based on my patterns must also feature your own photographs. You may not use my images to help sell your finished items. If you have a charity project in mind which would require multiple volunteers, please contact me.

Purchase of this pattern grants you permission to make and sell items created from it, but not to republish, share or resell the pattern itself. A lot of time, cost and technical expertise go into my designs, as well as over 35 years of intensive study and application. Tech editors, etc.. So my patterns may NOT be reproduced or distributed — mechanically, electronically, or by any other means, including photocopying, without written permission. Please do not hurt my ability to feed my family and pay for medical bills. Thanks!

Other licensing inquiries: worx@pixieworx.net

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Filed under Artist Information & Notes